Friday, December 20, 2013

Partner WOD: 4 Laps on our track

Lap 1: The two teamates run 400M together and do 50 Squats when complete

Lap 2: One parter runs backwards for 400M while the other partner does pushups. Then switch

Lap 3: One partner runs 400M while the other partner does overhead arm claps. Then switch

Lap 4: Both partners complete the final lap together...taking turns fireman carrying each other until 400M is complete. 30 Burpee penalty to walking beside each other at any point on this lap.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

"Pick Your Poison"

Today's WOD is another team builder like Monday. Winning teams completes the most reps. Choose from:

- Box Jumps
- Single or Double Unders
- Front Squats
- Tire Throw
- Pull Ups
- Toes To Bar
- Knees to Elbow
- Burpees

Team members each select a different item and work non stop for 5 minutes. Rest for 2 minutes and then switch to a different excercise for another 5 minutes. Combine your totals and see who wins.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Team Workout

WOD: In groups of four complete the following for time:

- 100 sit-ups
- 100 push-ups
- 100 one legged squats
- 100 tuck jumps
- 100 jumping jacks

Teams can go in any order as long as only one event is completed at a time with all members. Winning group gets bragging rights.

100 reps as a team and not each person. However, every person on the team has to at least do 10 reps of each event.

Friday, December 13, 2013

How to limp into the weekend

Today's WOD: 3 Rounds For Time
- 100 Meters of Broad Jumps
- 100 Meters of Lunges
- 200 Meter Run

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

You are probably wondering what the WOD is for today...its simple. Walk to the Post Chapel from 2:00 to 3:00 today and join us for our annual Christmas singing. It will be a time of community and fellowship. Food will be provided afterwards so please come and enjoy the day. P.S. one of the three events for Friday will be 100 meters of broad jumps...I will tell you the second event if you come to the service.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WOD: Run three miles...while also stopping every minute on the minute to do 5 burpees.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Welcome back from Thanksgiving.

WOD: 21-15-9

Box Jumps (Or Step Ups)
Overhead Squats
Pull Ups

Remember that we are going to two classes today. 2:30 and 3:15

Monday, November 25, 2013

No Class

RUN DAY.....Just kidding. Due to the likelyhood of sleet and rain hitting this afternoon we will not be holding class. Be a good Arkansan and make sure you crowd Wal-Mart on your way home for milk and Our goal on days like this are the same as in the safe and don't do something stupid and get hurt.

Friday, November 22, 2013

WOD: For Time complete the following

Run 400 Meters
50 Situps
Run 800 Meters
40 Situps
Run 1 mile
30 Situps

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fast and Fun

WOD: For Time

- 100 Jumping Jacks
- 75 Air Squats
- 50 Hand Release Push Ups
- 25 Burpees
- 1 minute Plank hold

Friday, November 15, 2013

Time to Run!!!

Todays WOD is simple....Run a 5K on the paved track around our facility. If you are on a running profile then walk 8 laps and see me for a special excercise in between laps. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Partner WOD

I hope you bring a friend or at least make a friend today. We will have our first ever partner WOD.

Warm Up: Prior to the group starting you need to complete
Mini Leg Blasters (5 jumping squats, 10 jumping lunges) for 2 rounds
10 Burpees

Group warmup will be
Dynamic Stretching
Broad Jumps
Prone Cobra

WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
With a partner complete as many rounds as possible in the time.
One person will hold the plank position while the partner either does 10 broad jumps over them or beside them (Depending on how much you trust them). Switch and repeat until time is called.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Hooray for no squats!

We saw some hard work done on Wed. Today we move our focus from thighs to core and also focus on our grip strength.

Warmup: Coaches choice

WOD: Knees to Elbows
- 4 Rounds
- Rest 2 min between rds
- Record total reps

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hump Day!!!

Your legs may still feel a little sore after Monday but don't worry, we will stretch them out. One of the most basic movements in fitness is the squat. Its simple and when done properly can lead to many health benefits. This week we are focused on the squat and will continue that today.

WOD: 4 Rounds for time
     - 50 Walking Lunges
     - 50 Air Squats
     - 400 Meter Run

Those of you wanting to push your self more are welcome to select a 25,35, or 45# plate and carry it along with you the entire time...the rest of us will cheer you on.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Welcome to all our new folks

Today we have the joy of welcoming several new folks to our CrossFit community. So that we can make sure all of our new folks have a fitness baseline established they will be "Group A" while others who have been at CRC for a while will fall into "Group B." We will all warm up together and then separate for two different WODs.

Warm Up:
10 Burpees
10 Y,T, W's (2 rounds)
Dynamic Stretching
Warm Up Drills

"Group A" will do a 14 min AMRAP of CINDY
5 Pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Setups

All CRC athletes do CINDY on their first day in order to establish a baseline for your fitness. We want you to grow and improve and everything we do is empirically driven.

"Group B"
3 Rounds for Time
10-135# Power Cleans
15 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Sit Ups

Please thank the 77th TAB Chaplain (Bill Berry) for sharing this WOD with me!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Good Afternoon Annie!

Warm Up:
Coaches choice

WOD: Annie
Double Unders and Sit-ups

If you can't do DU's then triple the number and do single unders. 150-120-90, etc.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Getting started right

This is a modification of a WOD that I was able to do  courtesy of Rock City CrossFit which is a local affiliate in Maumelle.

Warm Up:
2 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pullups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats)
5 minutes to stretch

Clovis (Time)

Cutoff is 30 minutes. Complete as much of each element as possible in the posted time. You may divide up the burpee pullups and run however you would like.  If you are new or know you can not run that far then cut the WOD in half (2.5 miles and 45 burpee pullups)

For time:
Run 5 miles
75 Burpee pull-ups

Monday, October 28, 2013

Welcome to our first offical WOD as a military affiliate!!! It is our goal to train you and see you reach new goals that you have yet to imagine.

Warm up:
5 minutes on ropes
Dynamic stretching

21-15-9 Dumbell Thrusters
400M run between each set of Thrusters