Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Getting started right

This is a modification of a WOD that I was able to do  courtesy of Rock City CrossFit which is a local affiliate in Maumelle.

Warm Up:
2 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pullups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats)
5 minutes to stretch

Clovis (Time)

Cutoff is 30 minutes. Complete as much of each element as possible in the posted time. You may divide up the burpee pullups and run however you would like.  If you are new or know you can not run that far then cut the WOD in half (2.5 miles and 45 burpee pullups)

For time:
Run 5 miles
75 Burpee pull-ups

Monday, October 28, 2013

Welcome to our first offical WOD as a military affiliate!!! It is our goal to train you and see you reach new goals that you have yet to imagine.

Warm up:
5 minutes on ropes
Dynamic stretching

21-15-9 Dumbell Thrusters
400M run between each set of Thrusters